Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Back And Blogging

Web Developing
It's been a while since I last posted a blog post here. It's because my free webhost cancelled my account for some ambiguous reason, that is, I broke one the terms of use. Which is weird cause only two website of mine was active that time, this site and my gaming guide website. Which I didn't edit for some months. It took me awhile to fix things cause I'm busy working as a PHP developer.

For the past 6 months I my workflow evolved more than it did for the past 2 years. I had a part time job on  a client based on europe which after 2 months hired me full time so I had to quit my first job which I had for 2 years. After 3 months of working I was hired by another local company. So in 4 months I had my salary increase by 2 and 2/3.

I thank the Lord for that cause 8 months ago I had been back and going to church again after a decade. And what's better, it's a christian church.

I can say that I'm converted now since I'm enjoying going to that church every week.

Financial Point of View

I've gone through a lot of other change such as my financial point of view. I've reading Robert Kiyosaki's book for awhile and it gives me alot of idea. Specially the part where he says that creating assets are better than buying them, like thinking of an idea that can give you money instead of buying a property that gives your money.

3 years ago this is the way I think. Create a good website that sustains itself. A website that visitors come on and those visits attracts more visit. After a year I realized it was almost impossible and started working as employee.

Now that I'm a highly paid employee I realized that that thinking 3 years ago was the right thinking. While preserving my job(s) I will think of website ideas that can be turned into assets.

At the same time I will save money for building business one at a time starting from small to large. And I'm also interested on studying stocks.

I plan to avail a condo 15 minutes away from office which I'll have to pay for 3 years, with no interest. And because it's just 3 years, it'll be 3x more expensive.

I'm still an undergraduate of Technological University of the Philippines. Although I plan to study on a more sophisticated school as soon as I can support it, I plan to finish what's undone on my college. I will just have to process the papers on my Training(SIT) exemption (cause I've worked already) and I can graduate by march.

My financial plan though, states I can't quit being employe until I'm around 27 years old :P

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