Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A very nice day

I woke up this day and meet most of my bad luck and saw it as a very bad day. My first interview as a programmer is today, and I thought it would affect it, I rode my bike to the location with a bad mood.

But before I pass the first kilometer, I realized, I am not this kind of person, I am a very jolly person with superficial happiness. And by realizing that I smiled. And was driven by my optimism.

Upon going there, I asked instructions from many people, even tho I already used Google maps to locate the building. I think God rewarded my optimism because I met many helpful people on the road.

I came to the site near the building and realized, damn a bike won't fit good in this place, it's a highly commercialized place with payed parkings everywhere, I looked around about 3 times just to find a spot where I can lock my bike up. Then someone called me from the other side of the road.

They are two motorcycle owners and 2 street vendor, they said "Dito mo lagay mababait ang mga tao dito" (Put that here, people here are kind). They are in a empty guard house, and behind it was there motorcycles, behind these is a open sewer.They were nice to a stranger like me, one of them even offered to me to use lock it up on his wheels I found it really nice, kind people really still exists =).

I changed from my cycling jersey to a white t-shirt. It's nice that the guard house is blocking most of the public. Then I cleaned up my sweaty face and neck, and wore my long sleeve(it's the only thing formal I can wear >.<). I used the tinted window pane of the parked SUV on the side as a mirror, and realized, Not a single sign of being a cyclist =)

I came in to the building and logged in the logbook, I realized that this is a very serious application, in a very serious company. Am I prepared? I rode on the elevator and felt my elevator-sickness ahh damn I don't feel good at elevators XD. I saw the surveillance camera and just laugh at myself

The interview wasn't that stressful, but I have no idea if I was doing the right thing, I was just saying what I think. It wasn't the typical type of interview that you can see on online interview tips. But then again, at least I have been honest, but I did tried to emphasize some of the most complex parts of my works(my websites). The interview ended nicely, after the handshake, I just thought, damn what do I do next XD.

I am afraid there's many more people(maybe older, or an older-graduate!) that would fit much better in the job, but at least I had experience of looking for a job, and much more, I would love to have this job. In short, I am not just looking for a job just to have a job, but I am looking for a job that I will enjoy, after all programming is my happiness.

I used another road on my way home as another motorcycle rider on the parking lot suggested. They really insist for me to take this road named "C-5" instead of "EDSA" . So I tried it, I like challenges anyway. I followed his instructions and had fun on a road he told me to be "pababa" (downhill) and when I go down this road, my speed got crazy I think it was around 50 KPH, I was laughing while going down *lol*.

When I came to "C-5" I realized it was a weird road too many intersections and many uphills and downhills, ah my legs. I saw a landmark, a stiff upward cliff next to sidewalk with houses on the top, it looked like I am in a province. There is even a mini-waterfalls on the sidewalk. I even asked myself "Am I still in Manila?". And *lol* it rained, ahh I'm wet XD(since I am not the kind of person who stops and says 'oh no it rained I will wait for it to stop')

I bought some a burger as my self-reward =).I came home and even I am wet from the rain, something in me still doesn't call it a bad day, I love this feeling. I realized, a bad day is product of pessimism of our minds. Optimism makes every day a good day =D.



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